HCV Market Intelligence Report 2021 and Preliminary HBV Market Insights

The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) released the second edition of HCV Market Report.
The report builds on the first edition to provide an overview of the supplier landscape for WHO-recommended HCV diagnostics and treatment drugs, outlines historical supply and pricing trends, highlights global benchmark prices, and suggests strategies to access diagnostics and drugs at more affordable prices. This report focuses on LMICs with high HCV burden and will help the broader HCV community to understand the market landscape, identify existing gaps, and work toward solving demand and supply related problems in the market. Addressing market related problems can help expedite global progress in achieving HCV elimination by 2030.
The state of HCV diagnosis and treatment globally has improved significantly in recent years, with an over six-fold increase in the percent of individuals infected with HCV who are diagnosed and put on treatment. At the same time, the price of HCV commodities has decreased, and at the lowest available prices, rapid diagnosis, viral load confirmation, treatment with highly effective direct-acting antivirals, and confirmation of cure now costs less than US$80. However, this market report outlines the significant unmet need that remains and reveals the unequal access to these low prices across high burden LMICs. COVID-19 has also created new challenges and unpredictability due to surges in infections and inequitable vaccine distribution, and the report documents how the HCV community has adapted, and new opportunities have arisen to strengthen hepatitis services.
The report also presents an overview of the HBV, diagnostics, and treatment and provides preliminary insights into the HBV market as countries begin formalizing and scaling programs to address the disease.
Highlights from the report include:
- COVID-19 impact on the HCV market and opportunities
- Products and benchmark pricing of rapid diagnostics, viral load testing, and diagnostics for liver staging
- Use of dried samples for HCV VL testing
- Pricing, volumes, and procurement trends for HCV drugs
- Emerging market for retreatment and pediatrics including addressable pediatrics market-sizing estimates
- Strategies for low- and middle-income countries to access lower pricing for HCV testing and treatment
- Preliminary Information on the HBV market
Source: CHAI