Fund Viral Hepatitis and Harm Reduction
Ongoing, global campaign targeting bilateral and multilateral donors to step up funding for viral hepatitis and harm reduction to curb the epidemics.

About the Campaign
Despite HCV and harm reduction programs saving lives and costs, the funding necessary to apply these innovations to accelerate treatment and diagnosis is absent. More
We Need a Comprehensive Hepatitis C Package of Services for People Who Use and Inject Drugs!
“It’s been more than 5 years since we cured hepatitis C...where’s my package?”
Investing in HCV elimination requires national programs to provide services for key populations, particularly people who use and inject drugs who are disproportionately affected by the virus. More
PEPFAR Watch!—Resource Tools for Funding Advocacy
PEPFAR Watch tracks the specific language in the Country Operational Plans, and activists prepare recommendations and demands to improve the policy guidance and inform service delivery. More
Advocates Demand Continuous Catalytic Investment Towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination
An open letter sent to Unitaid demands continuous investment towards HBV and HCV elimination, and to address the needs of 354 million people living with viral hepatitis worldwide. More
Achieving Hepatitis C Elimination in Pakistan
Health and economic benefits of achieving hepatitis C virus elimination in Pakistan: A modelling study and economic analysis. More
INPUD Summary Report: WHO Key Populations’ Values & Preferences for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Services
A summary report with key findings about the values and preferences of people who inject drugs for HIV, hepatitis and STIs services. More
Promoting Interventions for Viral Hepatitis and Harm Reduction in PEPFAR COPs - Webinar Materials in English, Portuguese and French
PEPFAR Watch webinar co-hosted by Treatment Action Group, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, Harm Reduction International, and the World Hepatitis Alliance. More
Fully Fund the Global Fund: Harm Reduction Brief
Joint briefing on harm reduction and the Global Fund replenishment by Harm Reduction International, EHRA, INPUD and the Global Fund Advocates Network. More
The Opportunity to Eliminate Hepatitis C through Alternative Financing Mechanisms
DNDi released a discussion paper summarizing the unique opportunity that international and national actors have to come together and commit to eliminate HCV. More