Advocate Campaigns Fund Viral Hepatitis and Harm Reduction
We Need a Comprehensive Hepatitis C Package of Services for People Who Use and Inject Drugs!
“It’s been more than 5 years since we cured hepatitis C...where’s my package?”

Achieving hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination by 2030 depends on how countries fund prevention, testing, treatment, and care and how they include HCV in efforts for universal health coverage. Investing in elimination requires national programs to provide services for key populations, particularly people who use and inject drugs who are disproportionately affected by the virus. Harm reduction, based on unconditional access to health and human rights, is a prerequisite for reaching people who use and inject drugs and connecting them to care.
A fact sheet helps advocates to demand from their governments a comprehensive hepatitis C package of services for people who use and inject drugs. Noting the political realities that certain provisions may not be available in some countries, we strive to see all these services, based on decades of public health evidence, implemented together.
To download the fact sheet in English, French, Spanish and Russian, click here.