Have a Heart, Save My Liver!
Ongoing, global campaign focusing on where the registration of diagnostics and direct-acting antivirals has stalled as well as the slow treatment uptake in low- and middle-income countries.

About the Campaign
On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Médecins du Monde and TAG launched actions urging pharma and diagnostics companies to drop their exorbitant prices for latest hep C treatments and tests. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver!: Where Are My Diagnostics?
Less than 5% of people living chronic hepatitis C in LMICs have been diagnosed. We need simpler & cheaper tests to scale up diagnosis! More
Who Has Access to Hepatitis C Testing? Liberate Our Diagnostics!
Issue brief
An issue brief, developed by Treatment Action Group and Médecins du Monde based on crowdsourced hepatitis C data, providing supplemental evidence on HCV diagnostics availability and pricing. More
Access to Hepatitis C Treatment and Care Among People Who Inject Drugs: Failing People Most Disproportionately Affected
An issue brief, developed by TAG and Médecins du Monde based on crowdsourced hepatitis C data, provides supplemental evidence for advocates on hepatitis C treatment uptake and care among PWID. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Where is the Cure Registered?
A fact sheet, developed by the hepCoalition, provides in-country data to understand where the branded and generic versions of the HCV cure have been registered and to inform advocacy efforts. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Which Countries Restrict Treatment?
A fact sheet, developed by the hepCoalition, provides in-country data about HCV treatment rationing through different forms of restrictions. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible
A policy brief, developed by TAG, presents online survey data from 23 countries on some of the key HCV diagnostics and policy barriers that inhibit access to HCV care in LMICs. More