Advocate Policy Statements

2024 Manifesto for a Progressive EU Drug Policy

In March, Correlation - European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN), NEWNet and the International Drug Policy Consortium initiated the Drug Policy Manifesto for the 2024 European Parliament Elections in June, laying down a vision for a pragmatic, innovative, and human rights-centred European drug policy that will foster healthier and safer communities.

The Manifesto has gathered more than 600 signatories, including over 250 European drug policy NGOs, over 150 drug policy experts, and over 25 elected officials.

— Watch the recording of the Manifesto launch event here.
— Join the movement - sign the Manifesto here.
— Visit the Manifesto’s page here. You can download the Manifesto in more than 10 languages.
— Read the article on TalkingDrugs here.