Drug Policy Manifesto for the 2024 European Parliament Elections

Despite billions spent in drug control, European drug policies have failed to protect the health and safety of the communities.
Drug use is reaching historical records. New substances are entering the EU market every year. War-on-drugs policies have been unable to stop the growing power of organised crime. Evidence shows that prevention, treatment, and harm reduction are necessary to save lives and protect the communities, but services for people who use drugs lack resources and political support.
The 2024 European elections in June must bring a paradigm shift. A Manifesto, initiated by Correlation - European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN), lays down a vision for a pragmatic, innovative, and human rights-centred European drug policy that will deliver healthier and safer communities.
C-EHRN invites all European civil society organizations, parties, and candidates to endorse the Manifesto to build a drug policy that prepares Europe for the future.
Access and sign the Manifesto here.
Source: C-EHRN