LAT CAB (2021-present)
Funded by the Unitaid LONGEVITY project, the LAT CAB is a new cross-disease long-acting technologies (LAT) community advisory board focused on malaria, the hepatitis C virus, HIV, and latent TB infection.
Materials in this section
Community Surveys Show Enthusiasm for Long-Acting HCV Cure Research
People living with or at risk of hepatitis C virus, health care providers, and policymakers in low- and middle-income countries showed significant interest in a potential long-acting HCV cure, recent surveys have found. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Patients
A study explores the challenges and opportunities in long-acting HCV treatment across three LMICs: Egypt, Ethiopia and India. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Providers and Policymakers
A study explores the acceptability and feasibility of long-acting HCV treatment in LMICs by surveying HCV treatment prescribers and policymakers. More
Long-Acting Therapies Trials Tracker for Hepatitis C, Opioid Use and Overdose Prevention Therapy, and Malaria
Treatment Action Group releases a trials tracker providing a compilation of ongoing and recently completed clinical trials on long-acting therapies for HCV, malaria, and opioid use and overdose prevention in the R&D pipeline. More
Community Engagement on Microarray Patches
The growing pipeline of MAPs for various infectious diseases prevention and treatment is a cause for engagement with stakeholders involved in health care given their potential to revamp healthcare service delivery. Access useful advocacy resources! More
Communities as Actors in the Research and Development Process
A publication, released by Treatment Action Group, explores the role of community engagement in health-related research and development, particularly within the Unitaid-funded LONGEVITY Project. More
Preferences of Patients and Providers in High-Burden Malaria Settings for Long-Acting Malaria Chemoprevention
A survey of Kenyan and Zambian patient end-users, prescribers, and policymakers evaluates the acceptance of and potential concerns about long-acting formulations of malaria chemoprevention. More
Long-Acting Therapies Trials Tracker for Hepatitis C, Opioid Use and Overdose Prevention Therapy, and Malaria
Treatment Action Group releases a trials tracker providing a compilation of ongoing clinical trials on long-acting treatments for HCV, malaria, and opioid use and overdose prevention. More
Prospects for Long-Acting Treatments for Hepatitis C
Long-acting parenteral formulations of HCV treatment may allow people living with hepatitis C virus infection to be diagnosed and cured in a single encounter. More