Educational materials that cover basics of hepatitis C testing and barriers to getting diagnosed.
Materials in this section
First Self-Test for Hepatitis C Virus
Whereas affordable HCV self-testing can improve HCV screening, the price and availability of virologic testing, required to confirm HCV diagnosis prior to treatment, remains a major obstacle to HCV elimination in LMICs and must be urgently addressed. More
Usability and Acceptability of Self-Testing for HCV Exposure in Pakistan
A study assessed the usability and acceptability of HCV antibody self-testing in a high HCV prevalence informal settlement in Karachi, Pakistan. More
Testing and Treating Hepatitis C in a UK Remand Prison
An article explores a hepatitis C testing program implemented at a remand prison, highlighting the role of oral swabs and peer involvement in increasing testing rates. More
Priorities in Planning Hepatitis B and C Testing Services: New WHO Operational Guide
The purpose of the guide is to support countries in developing policies that define a strategic mix of hepatitis B and C testing approaches, tailored to their unique situation ensuring an impactful national response to the hepatitis epidemic. More
New Research Supports Universal HCV Screening Over Risk-Based Testing
The study found 1.4 million people aged 12-59 with current HCV infection, including over 500,000 without injection drug use history. More
Point-of-Care HCV RNA Test Could Expedite Diagnosis, Treatment in High-Risk Settings
Findings support the feasibility and clinical performance of Xpert HCV, the first FDA-approved point-of-care test for diagnosing HCV, in a nonclinical justice setting. More
Barriers and Enablers to Point-Of-Care HCV Testing in a Needle and Syringe Program in Canada
Using an intersectionality lens to explore barriers and enablers to hepatitis C point-of-care testing: a qualitative study among people who inject drugs and service providers More
Barriers and Facilitators to Viral Hepatitis Testing in Uzbekistan
Barriers and facilitators to viral hepatitis testing in Uzbekistan: scoping qualitative study among key stakeholders, healthcare workers, and the general population More
Community-Based HCV Self-Testing Widens Testing Access in Big Vietnam Study
Community-based HCV self-testing could broaden access to testing by reaching previously untested people, could boost new HCV diagnoses and expand linkage to HCV care. More
Point-of-Care Testing Increases HCV Treatment Uptake in Priority Settings in Australia
Among patients in 3 priority settings, the implementation of hepatitis C virus antibody and RNA point-of-care testing led to higher rates of testing, treatment uptake, and linkage to care. More