Educational materials that cover preventative measures and harm reduction strategies to prevent the transmission of hepatitis C.
Materials in this section
Future Prospects, Approaches, and the Government’s Role in the Development of a Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine
A review highlights the urgent need for a preventive HCV vaccine and the significance of collaborative efforts between scientists, politicians, and public health organizations to reach this important public health goal. More
Key Interventions to Prevent and Control Infections Among People Who Inject Drugs
In new public health guidance, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have joined forces to identify key interventions to prevent and control infections among PWID. More
HIV PrEP as an Entry Point to the Elimination of Hepatitis B Virus
In the absence of dedicated funding mechanisms to address hepatitis B, PrEP programmes provide a strategic opportunity to implement critical interventions for hepatitis B in high-risk populations, so that hepatitis B can be eliminated by 2030. More
Harm Reduction: A Missing Piece to the Holistic Care of Patients Who Inject Drugs
A study evaluated the harm reduction counseling that infectious diseases physicians provide to PWID presenting with infections. More
How Did Egypt Eliminate Hepatitis C in Less Than One Year?
An analysis provides details of Egypt’s 100 Million Healthy Lives campaign which, with a modest loan from the World Bank, resulted in the elimination of hepatitis C. More
Global Coverage of Harm Reduction Programs
Global coverage of interventions to prevent and manage drug-related harms among people who inject drugs: a systematic review More
Study: French Drug Injection Rooms Cut Emergency Room Visits and Crime
A French study on DCRs in Paris and Strasbourg shows less overdoses, shared needles, abscesses, emergency room visits, public drug use, and crime, compared to cities without DCRs. More
Barriers and Enablers to Testing for Hepatitis C in People who Inject Drugs
Barriers and enablers to testing for hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs – a scoping review of the qualitative evidence More
Harm Reduction Interventions for People who Inject Drugs
Epidemiology of injecting drug use, prevalence of injecting-related harm, and exposure to behavioural and environmental risks among people who inject drugs: a systematic review More
Homeless People Have a Greater Risk for Hepatitis C Reinfection
Recent drug use along with unstable housing increased the risk of acquiring HCV again. More