61th CND Side Event : Hepatitis C among People who use drugs
Friday 16 March 2018 from 09:00 to 09:50

61st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs – Side Event
Hepatitis C among people who use drugs : the global state and recommendations
09.00-09.50, Friday, 16 March 2018
Conference Room M5
Vienna International Centre
The prevalence of hepatitis C among people who use drugs remains extremely high.
However, the remarkable progress in science and medicine along with a significant scaling up of prevention and harm reduction strategies could make a significant impact on this epidemic.
This side event will provide an overview of hepatitis among people who use drugs worldwide, and offer insights into some of the most effective interventions for scaling up testing and treatment as well as improving prevention, with presentations from civil society, people who use drugs and government officials.
Short introductive Film and International perspective from the Chair
Dr Judith Yates, IDHDP – Chair
A binational perspective on HepC policies
Torbjørn Brekke, Norway, Dr Jean-Michel Tassié, France
The perspective from People Who Use Drugs
Bikas Gurung, ANPUD
A Civil Society perspective from the French NGO Platform on Drug Policy
Céline Grillon, Médecins du Monde and the French NGO Platform on drug policy.
Open floor and panel discussion with delegates

See the flyer :