9th International Francophone Conference HIV/Hepatitis AFRAVIH 2018
4-7 April 2018, Bordeaux (France)

From 4 to 7 April 2018
AFRAVIH is organising the 9th International Francophone Conference on HIV and Hepatitis to be held in Bordeaux, France from 4 to 7 April 2018.
In 2018, we will be two years away from the 90-90-90 target set by UNAIDS and yet, significant progress is hoped for.
This event will be an opportunity for the stakeholders active in the fight against HIV/AIDS and hepatitis to exchange on the innovative antiretroviral strategies, the stakes relative to the PrEP development, addictions, the struggle against tuberculosis...
As in previous years, the educational support programme implemented with the help of AFRAVIH sponsors, organisations and foundations will enable numerous healthcare stakeholders and researchers from French-speaking countries who require financiel support to attend the conference.
!! You can still submit a resume as a "late breaker" until the 28th of February !! : https://reg.livebyglevents.com/AbstractSubmission/AFRAVIH18.aspx
Link towards the event website: http://www.afravih2018.org/
Registration fees
Up until 11 February 2018 : .................................. 400 € incl. VAT *
From 12 February to 1 April 2018 : .......................... 480 € incl. VAT *
From 2 April and on site : ....................................... 600 € incl. VAT *
Student rate (proof required) : .......... 200 € incl. VAT *
Registering for the conference grants access to the following :
– All public areas of the conference (exhibition, posters, conferences, symposiums)
– Opening ceremony and welcome reception
– Refreshments during coffee breaks
Link to registrate :https://reg.livebyglevents.com/Registration/DynamicRegistration/DynamicRegistrationPage.aspx?EventCode=AFRAVIH18&SiteCode=DEFAULT
For more information : http://www.afravih2018.org/images/Valentine/2eme-Annonce_AFRAVIH2018_v2.pdf
Bordeaux (France)