Hepatitis C Symposium: Integrating care for drug use and HCV infection among people who inject
13 mai 2017 - Montréal, Canada

Saturday 13 May 2017 from 08:00 to 17:30
The International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), in collaboration with Harm Reduction International, Médecins du Monde, the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C, Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse, National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, CATIE and the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, is holding a Pre-conference Hepatitis C Symposium: Integrating care for drug use and HCV infection among people who inject drugs at the 25th Harm Reduction Interna
tional Conference.
The day will focus on models of care required to provide HCV treatment for everyone. Through expert plenary sessions, practical group-based work and roundtable discussions, we will discuss what is required for successful hepatitis C prevention, care and treatment in drug and alcohol settings.
Registration : free
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Montreal, Canada
Centre Mont-Royal
2200 Rue Mansfield, Montréal, QC H3A3R8, Canada