Same Meds, New Patents: What Do Activists Need to Know About Long-Acting Technologies

Thursday 4 November 2021
Treatment Action Group (TAG) and the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) will co-host a webinar to present the main findings of the upcoming report “Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis Long-Acting Medicines: Analysis on Patenting Trends.”
Date: 4 November 2021
Time: 9 AM EST / 3 PM CEST
Long Acting Formulations (LAF) are being developed to deliver treatment in innovative ways, making treatment potentially easier to adhere to, less-stigmatizing and accessible. The LONGEVITY project, sponsored by Unitaid, is working on developing hepatitis C and tuberculosis treatments using LAF technology. The report analyzed the patent landscape of the four drugs under the LONGEVITY project and two Tuberculosis drugs that are being sponsored by other institutions, discussing the potential implications of intellectual property to the access of LAF of these drugs. The webinar will present what LAF are, how they can affect hepatitis C and tuberculosis treatment and the main intellectual property hurdles that can curtail the access to these formulations. TAG and ITPC hope that by understanding more about LAF technologies and the state of intellectual property barriers analyzed in this study, civil society, researchers, international organizations and patients can take active steps to ensure access to the final products.
A panel of treatment activists with the Make Medicines Affordable campaign will share different country perspectives on using intellectual property flexibilities in the long-acting technologies space.
Bryn Gay and Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem of Treatment Action Group
Othoman Mellouk of ITPC