Second Hep-C Community Summit

Mardi 18 septembre 2018
The 2nd HEP-C Community Summit organised by Correlation Network is organised in close cooperation with the International Network of Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), which organizes 7th International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users in Cascais (close to Lisbon).
As part of this conference, INHSU usually works together with community-based organizations to hold a Community Day prior to the conference. In 2018, INHSU is partnering with the HEP-C Community Summit to organize this day.
This summit will bring together people from the affected communities, advocates, researchers, healthcare providers, harm reduction practitioners, and policymakers to discuss and to develop an enduring cooperation for building the road to HCV elimination.
The HEP-C Community Summit will highlight the needs, current gaps and opportunities to make HCV treatment available for all people. The summit will also present and discuss community approaches for testing and treatment for HCV (and other diseases), and discuss and agree on further community action and advocacy steps.
To registrate (50 euros of registration fees), click here.
Pour soumettre un abstract, cliquez here
Pour accéder au programme, cliquez here.