Digitalized Community-led Monitoring - HIV/HBV/HCV in India and Indonesia

amfAR’s TREAT Asia program (TREAT Asia/amfAR) is implementing the Community-led Monitoring (CLM) in Asia project, an online data dashboard to enhance ongoing community-led monitoring in India and Indonesia. This is the only CLM work globally which includes HBV and HCV indicators and also the only structured CLM digitalized platform where real time data is publicly available in the Asia-Pacific region.
The activity is conducted in Manipur/India and Indonesia - monitoring 6 facilities each on HIV and hepatitis B and hepatitis C related indicators. The local community partners Community Network for Empowerment (CoNE) in Manipur, India and Peduli Hati in Indonesia implement this work.
In the initial years 2021/2022 TREAT Asia/amfAR worked with International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) that assisted in the development of the framework, indicators, data management/storage and analysis/report. In April 2023 a digitalized platform was launched: Few points to help maneuver the site:
i) The model is similar across CLM models:
ii) The essential components based on AAAQ of services are publicly available at The indicators are loaded as downloadable pdf copies as it will save interested parties to go through and adapt.
iii) What is encouraging are the short term advocacy gains beyond monitoring of services on the essential components: Because of the CLM work human rights issues have been addressed, linking to public social security/benefit schemes, completing cascade of care, avoiding drug shortage/stock-out situation and generating larger awareness on different diagnostics and treatment aspects.
iv) The data dashboard is where all the responses are collated: You can select the facility, country wise, site-wise, quarterly or year to date data. You can also filter the data by selecting essential components and can also see aggregated individual indicator responses and visualized and projected in different formats at the end of the page.