Worth the Cure Campaign Launched

Stigma, discrimination, exclusion, and criminalization of people living with HCV, particularly people who use and inject drugs, continue to be one of the biggest barriers for getting more people cured and linked to care. The ongoing, global campaign demands universal, equitable access to the cure for everyone who needs it, and to lift any legal, regulatory, or administrative barrier that stands in the way.
The Worth the Cure campaign was developed from HCV community teach-ins and education workshops organized by Treatment Action Group and the Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group in New York City.
Visit the website of the campaign for more information and to learn how to get involved. The website provides technical assistance through compiled advocacy resources, letter templates, and a collaborative design tool to support activists advocating for the registration of direct-acting antivirals to cure hepatitis C and the lifting of treatment restrictions in their countries and jurisdictions.
We are worth the cure!