Viral hepatitis elimination
18 articles
Pakistan’s New Commitment to End Hepatitis Needs a People-Centered Approach
By addressing the hepatitis crisis, Pakistan can become a model for other nations in South Asia and beyond. Its large-scale elimination efforts, if successful, could inspire global confidence in the feasibility of achieving the WHO’s 2030 targets. More
Monitoring Hepatitis C Elimination Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Broader Approach Is Required
The overall goal of hepatitis C elimination for PWID should be improved quality of life and enhanced access to high-quality, non-judgmental healthcare and prevention services, resulting in reductions in morbidity and mortality broadly. More
Treatment Action Group Fiercely Condemns the New Administration’s War on Science
TAG is disgusted and appalled by the new presidential administration’s flagrant attack on science. These hostile and reckless actions will hobble the fight against HIV, TB, and HCV, worsen human health, and weaken communities for decades to come. More