CABs HCV World CAB (2014-2017)
Activists Demand Affordable Hepatitis C Treatment

Activists’ demonstrations demanding affordable hepatitis C treatment and universal access to generic medicines everywhere:
— Gilead’s HCV Drug Sofosbuvir Approved by the FDA but Accessible for How Many?, 2013
— Pharma Refuses to Ensure Access to Lifesaving Hepatitis C Treatment at Global Meeting, 2014
— International Liver Conference: Activists Demand Affordable Hepatitis C Treatment, 2014
— AIDS 2014: Activists Hold Die-In to Protest High Price of Gilead’s Hepatitis C Drug
— Gilead: Stop Blocking Access to Hepatitis C Treatment, 2015
— Hepatitis C: No More Treatment Rationing; Universal Access to Generic Medicines Everywhere!, 2016