Educational materials that provide data, models of care, and resources related to hepatitis C care. Focuses on the whole hepatitis C care continuum, including post-treatment care.
Materials in this section
A War on Another Front: Ukraine’s Fight Against Hepatitis C
Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, people with HCV who injected drugs tended to experience barriers to care. Following the invasion, only 80 treatment centers remain. More
WHO Technical Documents in Relation to Health Sector Response to HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs
The World Health Organization releases two technical documents in relation to health sector response to HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections. More
Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Latin America: Elimination as a Path to Cancer Prevention
There is an urgent need for public health policies strategically tailored to Latin America to treat as many individuals as possible for HCV so to dramatically decrease cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma-related mortality. More
Is the UK Set to Be Hepatitis C Free?
In December 2022, the National Health Service England reported that it was on track to eliminate HCV by 2025 and attributed this to its pioneering elimination program. More
Guidance for Country Validation of Viral Hepatitis Elimination and Path to Elimination
The World Health Organization releases its second and updated version of the Guidance for country validation of viral hepatitis elimination and path to elimination. More
HIV and Hepatitis C Care: Focusing on Innovations
A team of researchers has published a set of papers on innovations in patient care for those diagnosed with hepatitis C, who are also living with HIV. More
Portugal’s Successful Experience with Integrating People Who Use Drugs with Care
In July 2001, Portugal decriminalised the personal use and possession of all illicit drugs. At the time, the decision was a world first, and since then, organisations across Lisbon have continued to advocate for the health and social needs of PWUD. More
Insights Into the Coinfections of HIV-HBV, HIV-HCV, and HBV-HCV: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment
A review focuses on the current prevalence, risk factors, and pathogenesis of dual infections with HIV, HBV, and HCV. It also briefly overviews the diagnosis and treatment of coinfections of these three blood-borne viruses. More
Implementation of Community Strategy Targeting Pakistani Migrants with Hepatitis C Living in Catalonia, Spain
Implementation of the HepClink test-and-treat community strategy targeting Pakistani migrants with hepatitis C living in Catalonia (Spain) compared with the current practice of the Catalan health system: budget impact analysis. More
Breaking Down the Silos: Integrating Hepatitis C ’Test and Treat’ Services into ART Clinics is Possible
Integration is critical to achieving hepatitis C virus elimination in people living with HIV. More