Educational materials that provide data, models of care, and resources related to hepatitis C care. Focuses on the whole hepatitis C care continuum, including post-treatment care.
Materials in this section
Intervention Toolkit for Hepatitis C
INHSU developed a tool to inform and inspire global hepatitis C testing, diagnosis, linkage to care and treatment for people who use drugs. More
WHO Publishes Updated Guidance on Hepatitis C Infection
New recommendations on treatment of adolescents and children, simplified service delivery and diagnostics; radical simplification of the care pathway to overcome access barriers. More
Staging Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis
A review discussed the published data regarding the staging of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B and C, emphasizing non-invasive markers of fibrosis, both serological and physical. More
Elimination of HCV in Russia: Barriers and Perspective
A review focused on a discussion about the epidemiology of HCV in Russia, the economic burden of HCV-related diseases, and treatment access. More
HCV Micro-Elimination in Hospital Setting
A study evaluated the efficacy of an innovative model of HCV micro-elimination in a hospital setting in an area of high HCV prevalence. More
Sustained Effect on Hepatitis C Elimination Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
A study aimed to explore the long-term effect of the Swiss HCVree Trial in curbing the HCV epidemic among men who have sex with men living with HIV in Switzerland. More
Pursuing Elimination of Hepatitis C in Egypt: Cost-Effectiveness and Economic Evaluation of a Country-Wide Program
A health economic analysis estimated the absolute and incremental impact of Egypt’s national HCV screening and treatment efforts on direct, indirect, and total healthcare costs. More
Barriers to Scaling Up Hepatitis C Treatment in Malaysia
A study explored the barriers to scaling up HCV treatment in Malaysia from the perspective of key stakeholders. More
Webinar Series on Research Advancing Hepatitis Elimination, March-October 2021
In 2021, NIH and the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination launched a new webinar series, Moving from Hepatitis Discovery to Elimination: NIH Research Advancing Hepatitis Elimination. More
High Prevalence of HBV and HCV Among Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
In 2017 and 2019, the National Liver Foundation of Bangladesh conducted an assessment to determine the burden of HBV and HCV in the Rohingya refugee camp, Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. More