Advocacy Tools
Advocacy materials and tools developed by hepCoalition and partner organizations that can be adapted and used by advocates for local campaigns in their own contexts. Includes training materials, community monitoring/data collection, and graphics.
Materials in this section
Training Guide: Identifying and Addressing HCV Diagnostics and Treatment Barriers in Countries
A training program, developed by the Hep C PACT, aims to engage with in-country CSOs to identify challenges with HCV diagnostics, treatment and care in countries, and develop a strategy to prioritize and address some of these challenges. More
PAHO Strategic Fund Products and Prices
The PAHO Strategic Fund Products and Prices catalog is available online in English and Spanish, with a filter pane facilitating the search for a specific product. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible
A policy brief, developed by TAG, presents online survey data from 23 countries on some of the key HCV diagnostics and policy barriers that inhibit access to HCV care in LMICs. More
Expanding Access to Hepatitis C Prevention, Testing, and Treatment in Prisons
Recommendations from the INHSU 2022 Prisons Workshop More
Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe 2022
C-EHRN released the 2022 Monitoring Data Report, presenting the perspectives of civil society organisations in the harm reduction field in Europe. More
Integrated Regional Action Plan for Viral Hepatitis, HIV and STIs in South-East Asia, 2022–2026
The Plan shares a common vision to end the epidemics in the South-East Asia Region by 2030 by promoting equity and innovation, and advancing people-centred and community-driven approaches. More
Global State of Harm Reduction 2022
Harm Reduction International released the 8th edition of the Global State of Harm Reduction report, providing an independent analysis of harm reduction in the world. More
mapCrowd Platform Updated
Treatment Action Group have updated mapCrowd - an online crowdsourcing platform designed to compile and publicize updated in-country information on HCV. More
Worth the Cure Campaign Launched
Ongoing, global campaign demanding universal, equitable access to HCV cure for everyone who needs it. Visit the campaign website, designed to foster collaboration and shared learning. More
Long-Acting Technologies Trials Tracker for Hepatitis C, Opioid Use and Overdose Prevention Therapy, and Malaria
TAG released a trials tracker providing information on the development of long-acting HCV, malaria, and opioid use and overdose prevention therapy formulations. More