Advocacy Tools
Advocacy materials and tools developed by hepCoalition and partner organizations that can be adapted and used by advocates for local campaigns in their own contexts. Includes training materials, community monitoring/data collection, and graphics.
Materials in this section
1st Hepatitis C Virus World Community Advisory Board Report
14 July 2014 - By Odilon Couzin and Karyn Kaplan
Treatment activists held the first global LMIC-focused dialogue with pharmaceutical companies that produce HCV treatment, co-organized by TAG and the Asia Pacific Network of PLHA. More
Nobody Left Behind
The importance of integrating people who inject drugs into HCV treatment programs. Arguments from a public health and human rights perspective.
"We estimate that around 2 million people who inject drugs globally need treatment immediately." More
Access to Medicines for the Treatment of Hepatitis C in Russia in 2013
A report, developed by Treatment Preparedness Coalition, investigated the situation regarding access to hepatitis C drugs in Russia. More
New Treatments for Hepatitis C Virus: Strategies for Achieving Universal Access
“There is no question that these treatments that can save millions of lives must be made universally available at an affordable price.” More