Advocacy Tools
Advocacy materials and tools developed by hepCoalition and partner organizations that can be adapted and used by advocates for local campaigns in their own contexts. Includes training materials, community monitoring/data collection, and graphics.
Materials in this section
Hepatitis C Market Memo
An interim update on the market for hepatitis C virus diagnostics and treatment, providing key updates on supply and pricing trends from January 2021 to April 2022. More
HCV Market Intelligence Report 2021 and Preliminary HBV Market Insights
CHAI releases a report providing market intelligence on HCV diagnostics and drugs in LMICs to help guide elimination of the disease, and covering preliminary insights into HBV market. More
Pooled Procurement Mechanism Reference Pricing: HCV Medicines
The Global Fund has established Framework Agreements with manufacturers of strategic medicines used in HIV programs, including HCV medicines. More
Intervention Toolkit for Hepatitis C
INHSU developed a tool to inform and inspire global hepatitis C testing, diagnosis, linkage to care and treatment for people who use drugs. More
Hepatitis C and TB Long-Acting Medicines: Analysis of Patenting Trends and Implications for Access
A patent landscape, released by TAG, investigates potential patent barriers for the development and delivery of long-acting formulations for selected hepatitis C and TB medicines. More
Have A Heart, Save My Liver! Which Countries Restrict Treatment?
A fact sheet, developed by the hepCoalition, provides in-country data about HCV treatment rationing through different forms of restrictions. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Where is the Cure Registered?
A fact sheet, developed by the hepCoalition, provides in-country data to understand where the branded and generic versions of the HCV cure have been registered and to inform advocacy efforts. More
PEPFAR Watch!—Resource Tools for Funding Advocacy
PEPFAR Watch tracks the specific language in the Country Operational Plans, and activists prepare recommendations and demands to improve the policy guidance and inform service delivery. More
Activist Guide to Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics
A new Activist Guide, developed by TAG, provides a deeper focus on diagnosis with updated information about the steps and different technologies involved in diagnosing a person with HCV. More
Strengthening Advocacy for Hepatitis C Diagnostics: Georgia Workshop Summary Report
GHRN, in partnership with FIND, TAG, and the Georgia CAB, convened an advocacy workshop to focus on strategies to overcome barriers to diagnostics in the national hepatitis C elimination plan. More