Treatment literacy materials that cover the basics of hepatitis C treatment, research on efficacy in different key populations, and global treatment uptake.
Materials in this section
Unsuccessful Direct-Acting Antiviral Hepatitis C Treatment Among People With HIV: Findings From an International Cohort
A study examined characteristics that may indicate an increased probability of unsuccessful DAA HCV treatment. More
Barriers to and Impacts of Hepatitis C Treatment Among People Who Inject Drugs in Kenya: A Qualitative Study
In order for positive treatment outcomes to be sustained, HCV treatment programs must address the barriers patients face at multiple levels and implement system-level changes. More
Community Surveys Show Enthusiasm for Long-Acting HCV Cure Researc
People living with or at risk of hepatitis C virus, health care providers, and policymakers in low- and middle-income countries showed significant interest in a potential long-acting HCV cure, recent surveys have found. More
Immunodeficiency, Injection Drug Use Linked to Failed HCV Treatment in People with HIV
DAAs achieve a 95% success rate in treating HCV among HIV patients, but 5% experience unsuccessful treatment; Lower CD4 cell counts, HCV genotype 4, and recent injection drug use are linked to higher odds of unsuccessful treatment. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Patients
A study explores the challenges and opportunities in long-acting HCV treatment across three LMICs: Egypt, Ethiopia and India. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Providers and Policymakers
A study explores the acceptability and feasibility of long-acting HCV treatment in LMICs by surveying HCV treatment prescribers and policymakers. More
Efficacy of 8-Week Daclatasvir-Sofosbuvir Regimen for Chronic Hepatitis C
Results suggest a shorter treatment duration could reduce costs and improve access in low- and middle-income countries. More
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Identification and Retrieval of HCV Patients Lost to Follow-up in Spain
A study identified and relinked to care HCV patients previously lost to medical follow-up in Spain using an artificial intelligence-assisted system. More
Staff-Facilitated Telemedicine Care Delivery for Treatment of Hepatitis C among People Who Inject Drugs
A study measures the acceptability, feasibility, and safety of an urban point-of-diagnosis HCV treatment initiation approach delivered in a non-clinical community setting, through a novel staff-facilitated telemedicine model. More
Model Says Treating Only 75 of 1000 PWID Would Eliminate HCV in This Group
If at least 7.5% of people who inject drugs in the Chicago area use direct-acting antivirals, HCV would be eliminated from that population in 10 years. More