Treatment literacy materials that cover the basics of hepatitis C treatment, research on efficacy in different key populations, and global treatment uptake.
Materials in this section
Efficacy and Safety of Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapies and Baseline Predictors for Treatment Outcomes in Hepatitis C Patients in China
A multicenter, real-world study evaluated the efficacy and safety of direct-acting antiviral regimens among chronic hepatitis C patients in Guangdong, China. More
Inside the Research – a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Research Highlighted in the 2021 INHSU Prisons Bibliography
INHSU Prisons hosted a virtual event ‘Inside the Research’, which welcomed authors from research papers highlighted in the Annual INHSU Prisons Bibliography 2021. More
DAA Treatment Failures in a Low-Resource Setting with a High Burden of Hepatitis C: a Case Series
A case report discussed a series of 18 HCV patients within a resource-limited setting, who after failing standard regimen also failed to respond to advanced pan-genotypic treatment regimens. More
Characteristics of HCV Resistance in an International Cohort After a Decade of Direct-Acting Antivirals
A study evaluated HCV resistance prevalence and distribution among patients who experienced direct-acting antiviral treatment failure. More
Adoption of New Therapies in the Treatment of Hepatitis: A Verification of the Accuracy of Budget Impact Analysis to Guide Investment Decisions
A study compared the results between theoretical and real-world evidence expenditures for medicines for hepatitis C: boceprevir and telaprevir. More
Safety and Efficacy of Ravidasvir Plus Sofosbuvir in Hepatitis C
The STORM-C-1 trial found that ravidasvir with sofosbuvir is well tolerated with excellent safety and efficacy in HCV infection, making it suitable for implementation in public health settings. More
Direct-Acting Antiviral Regimens and HCV Treatment Failure and Re-Treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa
The SHARED trial evaluated HCV treatment in treatment-naive patients in Rwanda with LDV-SOF. Two follow-up studies (SHARED-3) were published in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. More
Hepatitis C Reinfection Post Scale-Up of Direct-Acting Antivirals Among PWID
HCV reinfection rates increased following scale-up of DAAs among PWID in Scotland. Prompt diagnosis of reinfection needs to be integral to national strategies for PWID. More
Minimal Monitoring Approach for the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Brazil, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda and the US are part of a study to evaluate safety and efficacy of SOF/VEL with MINMON in treatment-naïve persons without decompensated cirrhosis. More
HCV Basics and Treatments
A series of fact sheets, developed by Treatment Action Group, provides essential information on the most commonly prescribed DAAs to treat and effectively cure HCV. More