Treatment literacy materials that cover the basics of hepatitis C treatment, research on efficacy in different key populations, and global treatment uptake.
Materials in this section
Scale-Up of Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment in Prisons is Both Cost-Effective and Key to HCV Elimination
A study in Australia evaluated the cost-effectiveness of scaling-up HCV treatment in state-wide prison services incorporating long-term outcomes across custodial and community settings. More
Implicit Bias from Providers Inhibits HCV Treatment
A new study reveals significant insights into the challenges that can occur for hepatitis C micro-elimination efforts in people with HIV in the United States. More
History of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Increases Risk of Liver-Related Mortality After SVR
Results from a prospective study in Japan found older age, history of hepatocellular carcinoma, and decreased albumin level at SVR were significantly associated with liver-related mortality after SVR. More
PCORI Study: Telemedicine Treatment for HCV in People With Opioid Use Disorder Was More than Twice as Successful as Offsite Referral
Participants cured of hepatitis C also decreased their opioid use and had minimal reinfections during two years of observation. More
People Who Inject Drugs Can Be Linked to Hepatitis C Treatment During Hospitalization
Initiating HCV treatment during a hospital stay helped more people complete antiviral treatment and achieve a cure. More
Age, Baseline Fibrosis Can Predict Fibrosis Regression with DAA Use
Fibrosis regression is prevalent among 57% of the cohort and is associated with older age and advanced fibrosis at baseline. More
Antiviral Therapy Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with HCV
Use of antiviral therapy is linked to a decreased risk of multiple cardiovascular outcomes and mortality compared to patients not using antiviral therapy. More
Long-Term Benefit of DAAs on Gut Dysbiosis and Microbial Translocation
Long-term benefit of DAAs on gut dysbiosis and microbial translocation in HCV-infected patients with and without HIV coinfection More
Beyond Intellectual Property: Why Is Generic Treatment for HCV Still So Hard to Get
An article in 2023 issue of TAGline explores how to reimagine HCV elimination strategies now that intellectual property is no longer restricting access to generic cures. More
Public Reimbursement Policies in Canada for Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C
Public reimbursement policies in Canada for direct-acting antiviral treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: A descriptive study More