Low- and middle-income countries
36 articles
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible
A policy brief, developed by TAG, presents online survey data from 23 countries on some of the key HCV diagnostics and policy barriers that inhibit access to HCV care in LMICs. More
Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible
A policy brief, developed by TAG, presents online survey data from 23 countries on some of the key HCV diagnostics and policy barriers that inhibit access to HCV care in LMICs. More
HCV Market Intelligence Report 2023
CHAI releases the third issue of the HCV Market Intelligence Report on HCV diagnostics and drugs in LMICs, including for the first time preliminary insights into harm reduction commodities. More
Barriers to a Cure: Study Reveals Global Obstacles to Getting Hep C Treatment
A study provides new evidence regarding the registration and reimbursement of HCV therapies, including restrictions on reimbursement, permitting multicountry analyses and highlighting areas for growth. More
Medicines for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and STIs in LMICs: Forecasts of Global Demand for 2022-2026
WHO releases a report jointly presenting medicines forecasts across three disease areas in recognition of the benefits of addressing HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs in a coordinated manner. More