Low- and middle-income countries
36 articles
Hepatitis C: No More Treatment Rationing; Universal Access to Generic Medicines Everywhere!
16 April 2016
People with HCV and their allies from Spain and around the world have gathered at the International Liver Congress to protest the outrageous price of life-saving HCV medicines. More
Forging a Path to HCV Elimination: Simpler Tests and Affordable Generics
Report of the World Community Advisory Board on HCV Generics and Diagnostics, 18-20 July 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Treatment activists met with generics and diagnostics companies to present demands and obtain strategic information from companies on critical access issues in low- and middle-income countries. More
Safety and Efficacy of Ravidasvir Plus Sofosbuvir in Hepatitis C
The STORM-C-1 trial found that ravidasvir with sofosbuvir is well tolerated with excellent safety and efficacy in HCV infection, making it suitable for implementation in public health settings. More
The Opportunity to Eliminate Hepatitis C through Alternative Financing Mechanisms
DNDi released a discussion paper summarizing the unique opportunity that international and national actors have to come together and commit to eliminate HCV. More
Decentralised, Task-Shifted Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment Services in Urban Myanmar
A study assessed the feasibility of a simplified HCV model of care in Myanmar with simplified HCV testing and treatment workflows, and provided recommendations for successful implementation. More