Low- and middle-income countries
36 articles
Acceptability of HCV Screening and Treatment During Pregnancy
Acceptability of HCV screening and treatment during pregnancy in pregnant women in Egypt, Pakistan, and Ukraine: A cross-sectional survey More
Efficacy of 8-Week Daclatasvir-Sofosbuvir Regimen for Chronic Hepatitis C
Results suggest a shorter treatment duration could reduce costs and improve access in low- and middle-income countries. More
Accessible DAAs Shouldn’t Be DOA: Delivering on the Promise of Negotiated Price Reductions for HCV Treatment
The hepatitis C virus remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases, despite the existence of an effective eight-to-twelve week cure. Access to direct acting antivirals must be urgently expanded to save lives. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Patients
A study explores the challenges and opportunities in long-acting HCV treatment across three LMICs: Egypt, Ethiopia and India. More
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C - A Survey of Patients
A study explores the challenges and opportunities in long-acting HCV treatment across three LMICs: Egypt, Ethiopia and India. More